3 Tips to Save on Your Business’s Energy Costs

April 19, 2016
Ross and Witmer

If you own a business, you know how important it is to keep your costs at a minimum. However, many business owners literally let money go right out the window by ignoring energy usage. By following some simple tips, you can lessen the blow of utility costs at your Charlotte, North Carolina, business and save money for more important purchases. Here’s how to do it.

Get an Energy Audit

It’s hard to save money on energy costs if you don’t know what to improve. Thankfully, many reputable companies offer a home energy audit. These inspections go through every energy-using nuance of your office to find where you’re losing money and what upgrades may cost to fix it. Whether you go through with a service or not, it’s a great way to see where your business stands.

Buy Efficient Devices and Lighting

Whether it’s your computer, lighting, or something else, each fixture or device in your office uses power, yet you can save lots of money by going with more efficient versions. Many office products have Energy Star logos, and these products lower energy costs by providing more insulation or using less power. If you haven’t done so already, you need to also remove all incandescent lights and replace them CFL or LED bulbs.

Talk With Your Employees

A fair assumption of all small businesses is that one or more employees are guilty of using more energy than necessary. This includes leaving lights on, windows open, and more. To rid the workplace of wasteful actions, hold a meeting and openly discuss your expectations with your employees. Most of the time, they’ll listen and even offer their own suggestions on how to further reduce energy costs.

While you don’t have control over how many sales you get in a month, you can control the amount of money you spend on energy. If you’ve decided to make the plunge and update some of your office’s HVAC equipment or you just need some expert advice, call our pros at Ross & Witmer today at 704-392-6188.

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