Going On Vacation? 6 Ways To Prepare Your Home

January 6, 2014
Ross and Witmer

When you plan a winter vacation, don’t forget to consider home safety. Chances are that everything will be fine, but the better you prepare, the higher that chance is. Winter vacation tips for the home include preparing for freezing temperatures as well as thwarting burglars, which, unfortunately, is a year-round issue.

Insulate your pipes.

In any region with the possibility of freezing temperatures, there is also the possibility of frozen water pipes. Insulating the pipes is one preventive measure.

Make arrangements with a friend

Ask a trusted neighbor or good friend to check your home or reside there while you are away. Having someone keep an eye on your property is one of the best safety measures you can take.

Change your air filters.

Filthy furnace filters cut efficiency and can shorten the life of this appliance. If you are only gone two to three days, you can delay this. However, if you are gone a week or longer, don’t skip this step before you go.

Turn the thermostat down.

It is unwise to turn the heat off or too low, as pipes might freeze. However, turning it down even a few degrees will save a lot of energy use. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it to raise the temperature a few hours before your planned arrival home.

Unplug electronics.

When plugged in, some electronics use some energy even when they are not being used. In addition, unplugging electronics helps prevent electrical emergencies.

While you are at it, turn off the power to your garage door. In addition to electrical safety, this measure helps to prevent burglars from entering through your garage.

Collect important phone numbers

and give a copy of these to your friend watching the home. In case something does happen, neither you nor your friend should have to waste time hunting down these emergency numbers.


  • Your HVAC service company
  • Your Plumber
  • Your electrician
  • A friend or landscaping company to clear walkways of snow and ice

For more safety and winter vacation tips in the Gaston area, please contact us at Ross & Witmer.

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